Hi^^Today’s expression is “(Noun)をください”. You can use it to request concrete items in general. For example・・・when you want to buy something in a store これをください。[koreo kudasai] ⇒I’ll take this. あのかばんをください。[ano kabano kudasai] ⇒I’ll take that bag. and in…
Hello^^How are you doing? Today’s grammar is・・・・ Adjective + する =To make something (Adjective) ★いAdj やさしい → やさしく+する To make something easy ★なAdj きれいな→ きれいに+する To make something clean (EX) 部屋をきれいにしました。【へやを きれいに しました】 (I made my room clean.) 私が先生なら、試験をやさしくします。【わたしが せんせいなら しけんを やさしくします】 (If I’m a teacher, I…
Hello^^ let’s talk about 「~たら」today! This grammar is very useful especially in conversation. 「~たら」has two meanings. ① A たら B = If A , B. ② A たら B = When(After) A , B ★A た (たForm) ⇒ Past affirmative / past negative of short form past affirmative …
If you are a beginner ,I recommend that you use a textbook. I usually use “GENKI” in lessons for beginners. The textbook “GENKI” is a comprehensive approach to developing the four basic language skills (listening,speaking,reading,and writing), which aims to cultivate…
おすすめ means “recommendation”. You can use it in a lot of situations. Today’s example is・・・ in a restaurant きょうの おすすめ は なんですか。[kyo- no osusume wa nandesuka] ⇒ What is today’s special? Be sure to try it♡
Hello, nice to meet you! My name is Kaya. I’ve been a Japanese tutor since 2010. And I started online lessons in 2015. I’m a qualified Japanese language teacher. I have a experience teaching Japanese in South Korea. And I’ve…